Zizi Li is an educator and researcher of media studies and digital cultures. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Film, Television and Digital Media at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Their primary focus in digital media studies, manifested in the dissertation titled, “Specters of Influencer Ecosystem: Aesthetic, Rhetoric, and Labor in Digital Cultural Production and Consumer Culture,” examines the (im)materiality and (in)visibility of labor in gendered and racialized digital cultural media texts. Zizi’s broader research program explores dynamics of race, gender, and class in film and media cultures, with an overarching goal of elevating labor discourses and ultimately laying the groundwork for improved practices.

Zizi is trained in film studies, cultural studies, critical digital studies, feminist media studies / praxis, and transnational media. Her research and pedagogy are committed to the unpacking of entangled colonialisms as well as the building of transnational solidarity praxis and abolitionist decolonial care.

Explore Zizi’s CV here

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